
Upgrades for existing V2 owners are available, please just check Your Account!

Developed by Paul Frindle, the developer of some of the most respected and beloved products in the recording history, including the SSL E / G series consoles, and the mighty SONY OXFORD OXF-3 digital boards.

The Dynamic Spectrum Mapper (DSM) plugin is intended to provide multi-dimensional control over both, the spectral response and dynamic characteristics of your audio.

The use of novel processing and program capture algorithms provides the ability to achieve exemplary results in common tasks such as program compression and enhancement, vocal expression and instrument characterization very quickly.

The ability to capture, modify and re-apply the spectral characteristics of your track is a powerful creative tool in all stages of the production cycle, from recording and mixing to mastering stages.

DSM V3 has many use cases, from matching tracks in mastering to evening out difficult audio tracks in a mix. It even serves as an amazing De-Esser!

DSM V3 certainly is a weapon in Mastering!


  • Capture the signature sound from one track, and dynamically impress it upon a different track. The Dynamic Spectrum Mapping of the DSM V3 lends a more believable result than the conventional EQ matching method.
  • Balance out individual tracks by capturing a perfect section of the file and applying it to the whole track.
  • DSM V3 is not only offering compression but also expansion of your audio material.
  • Improved workflow adding intuitive control for adjusting frequency curves.
  • More than 3 times as many frequency bands as conventional multiband compressors, with particularly fine resolution in the mids and highs, where the lion's share of character and vocal timbre are formed.
  • Proprietary Capture System uses both spectral and dynamic information to obtain a Threshold Curve. Thus, program compression, expansion and de-essing is performed with reference to a credible, authentic frequency response.
  • Super-smooth, resilient compression and expansion. Large dynamic events and spectrally complex percussion are compressed with ease. Out-of-character tonal changes are avoided, even under heavy compression.
  • Transients are kept intact, never smoothed-over. The importance of this cannot be overstated, and is where many "spectral" audio processors end up ruining your mixes. The DSM V3 always keeps the punch and detail intact.
  • Mastering Limiter is 100% transparent below -1dBFS.This means the Limiter only processes the peaks, leaving everything else untouched. Again, all transient detail is preserved, even above digital maximum.
  • Parallel Compression is easily achieved with the Dry/Wet mix control.
  • Allows import of DSM V2 capture curves
  • Developed as a completely new plugin, basing on the same processing as V2

New in DSM V3:

  • All new Expand mode.
  • Fully active spectrum sidechain input with source selection.
  • Active Drag handles on Spectrum graph.
  • Limiter and DSM dynamic processing can now be used independently.
  • Improved signal flow for greater convenience.
  • More convenient setup and curve store and restore management.
  • Scalable GUI from 50% to 150%.

Audio Examples

Industry Reviews

  • Matt Lange

    Matt Lange

    Producer/Composer/DJ (mau5trap, isoRhythm, Anjunadeep)

    DSM V3 is an incredibly powerful tool that bridges the gap from highly technical to creative.

  • Joe Carrell

    Joe Carrell

    Mix / Recording Engineer

    I found the DSM V3 to be a super versatile and smooth sounding tool. My first mix with it contained some unruly electric guitar. I was able to smooth out the tone very quickly and set them right… Read More

Customer Reviews

  • GOAT

    by adyax
    DSP DSM is not only my favorite plugin ever made, it might be the most underrated plugin of all time, even at the full price. I'm not kidding.
    Consider it an alternative to Wavesfactory… Read More
  • DSM V3

    by MONACO 80!
    This is one of a kind audio processor, i use it to add weight to my tracks and emulate tape saturation. Wonderful device
  • Harman Curve Preset Pack

    by OCTO8R
    Once I glanced this masterpiece, its enigmatic functioning started drawing my attention. After watching videos, studying forums and explanations of Paul Frindle I grabbed it with no second… Read More

    by Little Cloud
    $40??? I cannot believe that the power of this thing is available for that price. I use this plugin for literally hundreds (or possibly thousands) of things, from the obvious vocal power it… Read More
  • Best Balancer I've Found

    by Stevie's Circus
    Pro Audio DSP DSM V3 is simply the best balancing tool I've ever used. Just like the description says, this tool will bring your individual tracks into line with other tracks on a project or to a… Read More


Supported Plugin Formats

Supported Operating Systems
macOS 15 down to macOS 12
Windows 11 down to Windows 10

Intel, or Apple Silicon

x64-compatible CPU

System Requirements
Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM


With the Installation Manager you can select, download & install all the Plugin Alliance products. Select any and all formats you need for your system! Mac & PC.



Pro Audio DSP DSM V3 - Changelog

Version 3.6.1 (Oct 9, 2023)
- General: fixed CPU spikes on Mac OS

Version 3.6.0 (Aug 15, 2023)
- General: added native Apple Silicon compatibility for AAX
- General: added macOS Ventura support
- General: improved plugin loading time in the DAW
- General: fixed issue causing Logic to crash when closing the plugin UI
- General: improved font drawing behavior

Version 3.5.1 (Mar 21, 2022)
- Fixed incorrect metering behavior

Version 3.5 (Mar 15, 2022)
- General: added native Apple Silicon compatibility for VST3, VST2 and AU
- General: added macOS Monterey support
- General: added Windows 11 and Windows 10 21H1 support
- General: discontinued Windows 7 support
- General: discontinued macOS 10.9 and 10.11 support
- General: fixed metering behavior in block sizes of 2048 samples and higher
- Fixed distorted audio after rendering or changing the buffer size

Version 3.4 (Mar 22, 2021)
- General: Compatibility with Logic on Apple Silicon devices via the Rosetta-2 layer
- General: Fixed possible artefacts when freezing or bouncing tracks in Pro Tools
- General: Fixed automation highlighting disappearing in Studio One
- General: Improved license dialog visibility in dark mode
- Fixed inconsistent rendering / freezing results

Version 3.3 (May 27, 2020)
- General: Qualified for use with the Windows 10 May 2020 Update
- General: VST3: Fixed potential hangs in a DAW upon loading
- General: Fixed logical issues in undo / redo behavior
- General: Fixed UI resizing issues in Ableton Live on Windows
- General: Fixed audio processing initialization issues on amp and delay products
- Improved metering behavior

Version 3.2 (Nov 06, 2019)
- General: Qualified for use with macOS 10.15 Catalina
- General: Qualified for use with Windows 10 November 2019 Update
- General: Fixed plugin validation in Logic under macOS Catalina
- General: Fixed preset name restore in Logic when reopening a session
- General: Fixed opening authorization dialog triggering automation
- General: Improved instantiation times for plugins
- General: Improved license functionality and branding for subscription
- General: Removed 32-bit support on macOS and Windows
- Fixed preset management categories not being sorted
- Fixed possible issues with preset management and plugin states
- Fixed possible unresponsiveness when creating a new preset

Version 3.1 (Jul 10, 2019)
- General: macOS 10.14.5 Update compatibility
- General: Windows 10 1903 Update compatibility
- General: Fixed activation issue in Windows hosts set to non-English language (e.g. Cakewalk)
- General: AU: Fixed issue with increased CPU and memory on reopening UI
- General: VST3: Fixed issue with adapting to host knob mode, and now prioritizing linear
- General: VST3: Fixed issue with VST3 preset permissions
- General: VST3: Improved synchronization between parameter states and some UI functions, e.g. toolbar reset

Version 3.0 (Apr 11, 2019)
- Initial release