Customer Reviews

  • Smoothes out my process.

    by Breathing Rhythm Studio
    Beyond the absolutely beautiful top-end, my favorite thing about this is the auto-listen feature. This is what I've always wished the SSL channel strips were. Truly a remarkable tool, one that is looking likely to be worthy of an investment, not just another fun toy to buy.
  • The best Neve Console Plugin

    by Braulio
    Incredible versatility!. Try it on any track, even the mix buss!
  • Amek channel 9099

    by CHAZ
    The last few years I've been searching for plug ins which just have class and quality up there with the really deal,after a while of using plugins that use ir technologies to give the closest sound to the real units,I returned to Brainworx to get some flexibility back,id already been a big fan and have been using brainworx stuff from the start and have always found the M/S abilities far beyond every other developers,then boom out came the TmT system came out,this has gone from strength to strength with each release,but just lately plugin alliance have brought out what I consider to be the best plugins on the market,the Amek range is totally nailing it the addition of the 9099 is amazing,I'm just in the middle of mixing some major classical work and this channel has just about replaced every other plugin in the pro tools session its added so much clarity its crazy but the ability to have 72 different channels just makes working with this sooooooo good,if you buy 1 plug in this year it has to be this,if your really into your end results the tools in-between have to be good and this is just that, the missing link
  • Amek 9099

    by Cleon
    PA has done it again! Craft your audio quickly without cpu drain! Monitor MS. Monomaker and stereowidth in the plugin. A Limiter! Tons of options! Imagine the sound... Dial in your sound... Smile ... Another One
  • AMEK 9099

    by Sebastian Feldhof
    I really like the 9098, so I also like the new one. Working with channel strips does work for me and I always love new tones.
  • A revolutionary plugin.

    by Of Transient Days
    Okay, folks, this is the one we have all been waiting on—the pinnacle of Neve's designs, the Amek 9099. This is the most fully-featured channel strip plugin on the market today. Nothing comes close, nothing. The Amek 9099 will be my workhorse channel strip for every track I compose from here on out.
    The "Ambience" feature is truly unique. You can hear exactly what the compressor is doing to the incoming audio signal. They even spoiled us with their brilliant "Mono Maker" feature, which is a debut on a channel strip. They spoiled us with this one, people.
    This is the channel strip that every company will have to compete with. Good luck with that!
  • AMEK 9099 magic

    by Black Frost
    I tested this shortly and noticed at once, that my acoustic snare signal sounded better even with the console on default. I double checked this, with headphones. Noticeably better than before. Then we have the very useful feature of the listen mode on the EQ, I missed this on all the other consoles. With this it is very comfortable to define the frequencies you are after, to even find them, and quickly so. Then the "sheen" and "glow" feature plus "notch" mode, plus being able to switch bands off...I was a huge fan of the SSL 9000 J, but the AMEK has more useful features. Mono and stereo width control! Also the Lindell 80 sounds great, but tempts me to overdo it regularly (which is my fault, obviously). So AMEK has best of both worlds: very good sounding, easy to use (easier for me at last, compared to the other consoles), but complex i.e. powerful features. I sadly have no experience with real consoles, may be that is why I did not get too comfortable with existing bx ones, I use them by default, because of their superior sound, but I keep choosing and finetuning presets, because I don't feel secure enough to dial in my own sound. With the AMEK it is different. I feel very comfortable with it. I know there is always a certain hype on new plug-ins, new consoles, but I am quite sure, because of the features, I will stick to this. It sits right between Focusrite, SSL 9000 J and Lindell 80 in the arsenal, and I am very sure that this will be my go to because of ease of use. Very well done. I cannot find any disadvantage. Measured to my indifference when it got announced, because I did not know the real console it is modelled after and already had a few (which means all of them, happy subscriber!), I am puzzled. This is what I always wanted from a console emulation. Thanks a lot!!
  • AMEK 9099

    by Robert
    The SSL J was my favorite plugin, but when the 9099 came out it gave one mix I'm working on more warmth than what I had expected, and then on another mix it gave it that more aggressive feel that I needed.
  • 9099 Is The Holy Grail

    by Josh Larson
    Without a doubt the most "complete" channel strip of all time, yet somehow very straightforward and easy to follow. It sounds nothing short of phenomenal.
    As soon as I got it, I immediately slapped it on a drum group (rule of thumb, if it can sound good on drums, it can sound good on anything) and started going down the line. After eliminating the rumble, dialing in some parallel smash, accentuating some air, removing some nasty mids, pumping some THD, monoing everything under 100 and then a subtle kiss with the stereo width... Good God... The A/B was absolutely insane. I dialed in a FANTASTIC sound in less than two minutes of tinkering.
    What once was a process that could potentially take up to 5-6 inserts and several parallel busses was absolutely destroyed by this single channel strip. I'm truly in awe. If you were like me thinking "why would I possibly need another channel strip with so many amazing options out there already?," Do yourself a favor. Give this thing a shot and see what it can do for you. It's a must-have. I'm so excited about this product.
  • Amazing recreation

    by Arimaka
    What a great tool to have, a very detailed emulation of an amazing console. Love the feature where you can choose channel numbers and slightly vary like a real desk. Go get this one!!